Well Connected Twin Cities Podcast

Ep 86 Yoni Steaming for PCOS with Ariel Aiyegunle

Well Connected Twin Cities / Ariel Aiyegunle Season 3 Episode 86

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Take back your Yoni.

An interview with Ariel Aiyegunle (Ah-Yay-Gun-lay),  a Community Healer, Herbalist and Full Spectrum Doula and Lactation support

Ariel comes from a long lineage of herbalist and midwives and started her journey of womb healing after being diagnosed with PCOS in 2018. She started  Yeyeo (Yay-Yay-Oh) Queen Steam in August of 2020 after having an ancestral dream that she will heal with herbs. 

This interview covers:

  • What is womb steaming? Is Yoni Steam and Peri Steam Hydrotherapy the same?
  • What does Yoni mean?
  • How does steaming work?
  • What can steaming be used for?

And so much more!

Mentioned in this episode:

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 [00:02:12] Cynthia: Hello. Hello. I'm here with Ariel Aiyegunle. She is a community healer, herbalist, and full spectrum doula and lactation support specialist, and she is here. Just to share a little bit about her own journey. So she had her own journey of womb healing after being diagnosed with P C O S in 2018, and she actually ended up starting a whole business Yeyeo Queen Steam at August of 2020 after healing from her diagnosis and also having an ancestral dream that she will heal with herbs. So she comes from a really long line of herbalist and midwives, and now here she is.

Hi Ariel. 

[00:02:58] Ariel: Hi everyone. How's it going? How are you doing today, Cynthia? 

[00:03:02] Cynthia: I'm good. I'm so excited to get to talk to you again and to have this conversation for the podcast. Uh, I'd love to hear a little bit more about your journey. I actually didn't get to read your bio before our last conversation, so please tell us more about your journey and launching your business Yeyeo Queen team.

[00:03:22] Ariel: Absolutely. Thank you so much for this platform. Happy to be here. So back in 2018, I was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome and I was very distraught within that journey and felt a sense of hopelessness, um, and then discovered on my own, doing some research, uh, that. You know, young steaming and steaming with herbs and how it can be beneficial.

And I just kind of typed in like, is this good for P C O S And another, you know, uh, blurb came up and it was like, Yes, is amazing for, um, polycystic ovary syndrome. Basil is good for this mug, Ward is good for this and it helps shrink, uh, assists and whatnot. So I just kind of started to do this at home and then within three months I noticed that my periods came back and that.

Um, when I went back to the doctor, there were no more cysts on the ovaries and I had lost some weight cause I did some, uh, healthy habits and changed my lifestyle a little bit. And with that, in combination with, uh, yoni steaming, I found that that was really beneficial for me. Um, Yeyeo. Queen Steam started.

Yes, as she said before, August of 2020 during the pandemic, when everything was just kind of like up in the air and a lot of people. Got a chance to go inside and go within themselves and find out different ways and modalities to heal themselves and other people, and that was one of those people had an ancestral dream.

My ancestor came to me and said, Yes, you are doing great things with eyelash extensions, however, Um, you should get into, uh, doula work as well as herbal healing and doing more of that. You come from a long line of fem herbalist in the family and doing some more research and digging. I found out that one of my great grandmothers was a granny midwife, um, in the South, and when she migrated to Chicago, uh, she started to go into, um, hospitals and home births and things like that, assisting with that type of work.

Um, and. That's how we got started here and I'm so happy to be here. Yes. 

[00:05:28] Cynthia: Beautiful. And for those who don't know what a Yoni Steam is, can you explain what that is and what it does? 

[00:05:37] Ariel: Absolutely. It goes by so many different names. Uh, so it's Yoni steaming. For some people it's Peri steam hydrotherapy. For others, it's essentially the same thing.

Uh, steaming the perineal with, uh, using dried herbs and using hot water and then allowing the, the water to turn into vapor. And then those constituents from the herbs are traveled through the soft tissues of our vaginal opening up into the womb space. Um, although. People are saying like, How is this working?

Because it can't penetrate through that hard cervix, especially if you have not, If you're not currently having a baby or had had a baby in the past, well, your body absorbs. Okay. It's a big sponge, especially those soft tissues and the vaginal opening up to the cervix as well as the uterus. Even though the cervix is closed, it's still absorbing into the, the cervix up into the womb space.

Uh, we're big sponges, especially the uterus we're constantly absorbing and, and, and she. What no longer serves as on day to day or month to month? . Mm-hmm. . 

[00:06:47] Cynthia: Yeah. Physically, mentally, emotionally, , 

[00:06:50] Ariel: all of the things. 

[00:06:53] Cynthia: Oh, awesome. All right. And it's so amazing that you were able to discover. This healing modality and now you're offering it to other people, uh, and you're also a lactation doula.

Can you tell us more about that job description? 

[00:07:08] Ariel: Absolutely. So doula's, doula's work is amazing. It's, it takes a special somebody and it's usually pulled from like an innate. Calling. You have to be kind of called to the work. No one wakes up and they're like, Okay, yep. Doula work. That's what I'm gonna do after high school.

It, it's really about the person and how they got the call and did they answer the call. So being a lactation doula or lactation support while doing doula work, um, we assist in the emotional and then the physical. Um, pain relief using water, different pressure points. Some are trained to use the rebozo, which is a, um, ancient indigenous, um, Scarf essentially, it's very long and, um, a lot, it's used a lot in Hispanic and indigenous cultures in Central and South America.

I was trained by a, um, group of women in Guatemala, which I bought my rebozo and they sent training videos on how to use it. So I got the permission and the training on how to use it so that I'm using it properly, um, as well. We, in doing the doula training, we have an extensive crash course in lactation.

So how to approach that with your client and what does it all entail? Like it's a supply and demand, letting them know like as much as you're pumping or breastfeeding or chest feeding, that's how much milk you will produce. It's a supply and demand. The more that you're kind of like working, massaging your breasts and kind of like manipulating it.

As much milk as you'll produce. So if you're not doing anything with your chest, you're, you're gonna dry up a little bit. But if you're constantly massaging and initiating the, the chest feeding of breastfeeding, you will now start to produce. Cause that's a lot of questions that, uh, a lot of people have, Like I tried.

And I didn't produce enough, your body will get used to the producing and sometimes in, in special cases, like, um, in a episiotomy or even a c-section where there's like some blood loss or some trauma that can affect the, the chest feeding process. Because the body is going through a healing stage and it can affect your lactation.

So that's why it's always important to get the information from a lactation consultant as well as a doula that has special lactation, um, training. Mm, 

[00:09:40] Cynthia: mm-hmm. . Yeah. And I, I wonder with your business, um, you know, do you end up working with both modalities pretty frequently? Is it like together typically? A lot 

[00:09:53] Ariel: of my clients who I have right now, currently four clients that are about to be due , they're, I have one that's due at the end of this month, and I have three that are due, um, in November.

And yes, I, I wanna answer that plainly, like, yes, it, I do start to use both of those modalities together because I always say, Hey, six, six weeks after you are delivering, whether you're delivering vaginally or through a c-section, You can still steam that postpartum. Steam is huge because it helps to, uh, repair any tears or any, uh, dried up membrane that is still left behind because sometimes the body does not shed that all entirely.

And a lot of the times, um, with most people, They won't get a period right away. So that's a lot of like mucus membrane and old dried blood and stagnant energy that gets left behind after baby is out. And then you, and on the flip side, people who have had C-sections, um, they can still yoni steam because of.

Those layers that have been cut you. Oh yeah. You want to get in there and, and push that uterus back down because the baby still sat in your uterus for nine months. So you want to get in there and contract that uterus back down. And a lot of studies have shown that people who've, uh, Peri steamed after having a baby tend to not.

Drastic postpartum depression because of the, the fact that the steam helps contract the uterus down so that there's no more empty space. Your uterus is not sad. There's no baby blues, and it's kind of not sending those, um, those sad, uh, emotions to your brain, which can cause postpartum depression. 

[00:11:41] Cynthia: Oh wow.

I don't think I've ever heard that link. So, because your uterus is still enlarged and now there's no baby in there, it's just like sends signals to your brain that like something's wrong. And so you get, Oh, 

[00:11:55] Ariel: okay. Yes. Oh wow. The uterus have their own consciousness. It's its own. It can grow a organ to facilitate and nurture a baby in the womb.

That means it's intelligent enough to feel and have emotions as well. Absolutely. Oh, 

[00:12:14] Cynthia: I just got goosebumps. That's so cool. Yeah.

Oh, well, uh, I'm curious too about, because I know what goes into selecting a business name, you know, there's all the, the list making, at least for me, like figuring out what to do. So for you, where does Yeyeo Queen Steam come from?

[00:12:36] Ariel: That's a great question. While, while I had the, everything together, right, I had the business plan, I had, I knew I had to get a, um, a bank account and whatnot, and I'm just like, We need to name this baby.

And I'm, and I sat in, in a very deep meditative state and I'm just like, What is this? What am I gonna call this? And then I started to think you're working with wombs, you're working with the fem energy, you're working with vulva vagina, that whole thing, and. I have always known in, in my spiritual journey in African spirituality, I knew that my Orisha or spirit or goddess was Oshun and she is the orisha of fertility, sensuality, femininity, and abundance, and she's the guardian of the Sweetwater.

So lakes, rivers, um, and things like that. Free flowing, uh, water sources that are unsalted. That was it. And in a way that, that she's venerated through, um, the Orisha practices is they say, "Ore Yeye O" and that is just like saying hallelujah in a sense to Oshun. And that's where Yeyeo Queen Steam came from. I'm like the queen part because we all wanna feel and embody a queen, like energy and then steam, because obviously I.

Steaming company and I wanted to put that in there so that people are not questioning what is this? So it's a Y Steam company. Yay Yo queen Steam. Wow. 

[00:14:11] Cynthia: I, Yeah. That is so amazing that you brought in some of that kind of cultural spiritual aspect and yay. Sounds fun. Like, it also sounds super fun, which I think matches your energy and who you are.

And so it's really amazing and, And the queen. Yes. Uh, you know, you've mentioned. That you know, you are a F being serving fems and you also have used the word woman with a W O M B, like a person who has a womb. Mm-hmm. . And so I'm curious for you, why is that distinction important?

[00:14:51] Ariel: Because if you look at and dissect our English language back in like Old England or somewhere, they used to call us womb man or the, the barrier having like barriers of the womb or barriers of the womb.

So we were considered no different from men. But the distinction is we have wombs. Um, because back in the ancient times we used to pray together. We, there was no separation back. Way, way back in the day before, you know, something happened. We all came together and commingled in one space. Um, and the only difference was we had wombs and they didn't.

Um, but we still were shown respect. And somewhere in history that translation got lost and we started to be persecuted for having wombs and told that. Because you have a womb, you have to follow a certain set of rules and be treated a certain way. So I'm always going back to basics and going back to the roots.

We are womb men. Um, I have a womb. I, I'm a woman, but. I love, I just love it. I love that term. I put it on t-shirts. I sell t-shirts. At Yeyeo Queen steam.com. . Yes, they have on it. So if you, if you see someone wearing a crop top and it's black and white and it has WOMBMAN on it, that's my shirt. Yes. . So yeah, I just, I love, I love that term.

It stuck out to me. And then it's gender neutral too, so for people who. Um, you know, associate themselves with being a woman or a girl or anything like that. It's, it's a non-binary term too. Anyone can wear it. Um, even a man could wear it if they consider themselves a man, you could wear it. It's like representing something.

It's more of a movement than it is just like a term. Yeah. Mm-hmm. . 

[00:16:41] Cynthia: Yeah. Ah, that's lovely. And I actually didn't realize, I thought, you know, we had talked about. Um, being more inclusive and allowing any human being that happens to have a womb, whether they identify as a woman or not, can get mm-hmm. can receive healing work from you.

Yes. And. I never really understood too, like just grammatically and historically that it also points to just the general equality of we are all mankind and we happen to have wombs which actually is like really powerful and amazing. 

[00:17:17] Ariel: Really a big deal. , 

[00:17:21] Cynthia: does your womb feel things like mine does 

[00:17:23] Ariel: cause ? Yes, it does.

I get the twinges, I get those nudges from spirit. On a spiritual aspect, I'm a very spiritual person, you guys, so I want, you know, just to broaden the perspective, it's also very, um, spiritual and also practical as well. I get those nudges in my. . womb and I wanna help other people tap into that energy. If you have a womb, it has powers.

You have powers, it's okay to hone into that. That intuition that everyone's talking about, that's the nudges from your womb. Like, Don't go here because this might happen. Or, you know, that person that gives you the heb, gbs, those goosebumps that you feel. That's all womb energy. That's all womb power. Mmm.

Mm-hmm. . 

[00:18:10] Cynthia: I love that the intuition lives in our womb. . Mm-hmm. , 

[00:18:15] Ariel: Absolutely 

[00:18:17] Cynthia: amazing. And how, because you know, you've had your own journey with healing your womb. How do you feel like that journey, right? Because there were trials, there were tribulations. How do you feel like that whole process has influenced other areas of your life?

How you approach things? 

[00:18:35] Ariel: Yeah, it, it has tremendously, um, affected every aspect of my life. I start to think before I talk. because of the spiritual part. Like, you know, it's all about knowing myself and being more self self-aware. So before I even say anything or different speaking engagements, I'm like, does this align with me?

Does this align with my mission? Does this align with my business? Because I want Yeyeo to be in spaces where it's well received. I wouldn't. Wanna be in a space where it's like going to be super hard for people to grasp or you know, they won't get the education. Cuz we're really big on education, inspiration and um, teaching.

So absolutely, I wholeheartedly feel that my journey affects. Every part of my life. Yes. Mm-hmm. . 

[00:19:27] Cynthia: Mm-hmm. . Beautiful. Uh, you've mentioned too in our previous conversation that there are these three pillars of your business. Do you mind sharing what those pillars are and why they're important to your 

[00:19:38] Ariel: mission?

Yes. The last one always changes. I'm like, I know. The first two is inspiration and education. I want to inspire, I want a, a person to look upon my life and say, Hey, this, this is me. Because going back to what I believe, we are reflections of each other. So when I'm winning, You're winning. And when you're winning, I'm winning.

And vice versa. So if I'm looking at a sister or brother in the community, they're looking at me like, You are such an inspiration. I'm like, I'm glad that you got value, but however you are winning too. This is, I am a reflection of you and education. How does it work? Why does it work? Showing and then being a doula, Going back to being a doula, we're, we're all about evidence based.

So that things that I'm telling people are also things that they can go look up for themselves. They can look up the constituents of Basil they can go and look up the constituents of, um, mug mug wurt and see how it affects the body and see if it works for the womb for themselves. Um, . And the last one, I'm always teetering between, It's always, it's education inspiration, and then the last one, and I'm like always, I'm not sure what the last one is.

I'm trying to still figure it out. I'm also in a cohort training where we are gonna start from the basics and the grassroots and then go and have your five pillars, or your five, um, or your three pillars that you know. State about your business, but I'm gonna be honest with myself. That last one, I'm always like trying to figure out what that is.

Mm, yeah. The 

[00:21:07] Cynthia: elusive third pillar. . Yeah, 

[00:21:10] Ariel: exactly. It's, yeah, but for sure inspiration, education. Maybe it's, maybe I should just have two pillars, . 

[00:21:19] Cynthia: Yeah. I mean that's the thing about being a business owner. You get to make up the rules, . That's true. That's true. Well, I appreciate the honesty and just mm-hmm.

being able to bear witness to you and your process. And , uh, I appreciate you pointing out too that. As a business owner, as, um, a mama to your own business, right? You are making sure that it's in the right environments that are gonna nurture it, that are gonna be well, it's gonna be well received in, and, you know, you don't wanna be sharing your message with communities that just won't get it, or might mm-hmm.

just, and, you know, sometimes it's just the soil isn't ready, you know? Yeah. And so you're finding the places where, Yayo queen scene can grow and thrive. 

[00:22:09] Ariel: Absolutely. And I'm always attracting that. I always say I attract the best spaces and the best people, especially within, um, the healing community, because you don't want your message to fall on deaf ears.

I want you to receive it and find value and apply it. So just doing the work, because once you start to do the work, it's, it's bound to work. . Mm-hmm. . But you have to do the work for it to. 

[00:22:37] Cynthia: Yes. That's why it's called the work . Yeah, 

[00:22:40] Ariel: absolutely. 

[00:22:42] Cynthia: Uh, well, I know that as people are doing the work of their own healing, that you're there with your wisdom, your.

Products, Right. The, um, the actual packages of herbs that you use for steaming. Uh, I followed you on Instagram and I was watching you, like, do one of those and like, create them and like steam it. Uh, so for people who maybe haven't stocked you on Instagram, you know, what does that process look like, um, working with you?

[00:23:15] Ariel: Yeah. Um, the, the package process. It's long. I'm not gonna lie, it's long cause I'm the only person doing this. I'm trying to employ my 11 year old daughter, but she just doesn't have an interest in it and we. About our interests in, in my family. So I get the herbs, they come dried. Um, they are not mixed. I hand mix them.

I have a recipe of which, and I have four steams so I have a, um, we, it used to be called fertility. Steam, but there, it scared a lot of people. They're like, Ah, I don't want it to make me more fertile than what I am. And I'm like, No, it's not gonna make you more fertile. It's just going to work with your already existing fertility if you have, if you don't have fertility issues.

Um, and if you do have fertility issues, it's gonna help enhance your fertil fertility. Um, so that one's just for people who are still in their childbearing years. I have one for postpartum. I have one for miscarriages and abortions. Um, and I have one for menopause. So they come dried. I mix them all together in a big old bowl.

Mix, mix, mix. And then I take a craft, um, package that has been op, you know, it comes nons sealed cause I have to seal it myself and then fill it up. Um, each package is done by weight. So a lot of people are like, Oh, it's, you know, it's three ounces, but I only got 1.7. Ounces of herbs. Yeah, everything is done by weight because if I did it by volume, the packages would be too big and I wouldn't be able to mail them in a small, discrete packaging.

Um, because I don't want a big old, I just don't want big Gotti packaging. I want it to fit right into your mailbox so that you're not having to sign for it. Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. absolutely. So I'm doing this with you and mine, . It's all for you, . It's all for you. I promise. It's a selfless act. I wouldn't do it for selfish gain, I promise.


[00:25:13] Cynthia: So yeah, we'll be able to link websites and stuff so people can explore and see what you've got going on. Um, but you know, with also your lactation work and, um, I'm curious what excites you the most? How about all the things that you're doing right now? 

[00:25:32] Ariel: It all kind of works, you know, it's, it's the same things, but in different stages.

So I meet my clients. And their gestational period, and then I stay until postpartum and then I get them into steaming, and then that just kind of opens up the floor for all of it. Um, I work with the, I work with the womb in general, no matter who you are, no matter if you're pregnant or not. Um, so yes, my doula business is separate from Yeyeo and vice versa, but.

It seems like it's the same customer. Like, Yes, I had a baby two years ago. I'm like, Oh yeah, you're still in postpartum. So here's our mother's blend for you. And then they're steaming, and then they're like, Oh, this is amazing. I'm gonna continue to do this. And then boom, bam. They're continuing to do it after a year or a year and a half of doing it.

So I'm really excited about the entire process, whether I meet you in your pregnancy or if I meet you and you don't wanna have children at. Does not mean that you should not steam. It means that you should steam, um, because you may have, you may have went through something in your childhood. I meet a lot of people who have been sexually abused and that have their womb you know, um, kind of tampered with from a young age without their consent that.

Act or that, um, that, um, event could definitely manifest physically into polyps or into P C O S or fibroids. We don't talk about that because it's not scientific enough to prove that that is real. But on a spiritual level, the things that have happened to your body, because it's been said in many books, your body does not forget.

It keeps score so, That six year old you that have gone through that, you know, sexual abuse, now you're 31 and you're wondering why your periods are irregular and you're wondering why when you get your period, it's violent and it's heavy and it's painful and it's, you know, blood clots and, and, and all of these things.

And you're like, where, where is this coming from? I eat, well, I exercise what's going on? It's because your body kept score of that abuse and that trauma. So, yes, go into y steaming. Sorry I went off on a little tangent, but yes, I'm, I'm excited about the entire process of getting them too steaming. Um, as well as the after results they, them coming back and giving me a review or saying, This is amazing.

Mm. It truly is . Yes. 

[00:28:07] Cynthia: And it's really a, a taking back of your own ownership, right? This is your body, this is your Yoni and it belongs to you. So you have the power, the tools to take care of it. And I know we did discuss how. Wonderful. This is in terms of accessibility, right? Yes. And, um, this being, this was important to you too, just, um, making sure this is accessible to all, all communities.

Uh, do you mind sharing more about that? 

[00:28:38] Ariel: Absolutely. This is, this is the number, this is the number reason why I did not have a space. Um, everyone wants me to, to be a storefront, and I am saying no right now in the future. Yes. Um, I, I look at this being very profitable, lucrative business. Of course. That's why I'm in business.

Like I want to make the money because I want to have a storefront one day. Right. But right now, Everyone needs this in their home. Everyone needs a package of my herbs in their home because you can do it from home, period. You can do this from home. You don't need a fancy dancing setup unless you want to.

You know, I, my customer is a person that has never heard of this. You know, this is a newbie to the game because a lot of these, you know, beautiful, um, wise wound people who have done this in the. They're, they're on to something else. They're either making it themselves or they're, you know, they have a specific person that they're trusting.

My person is new to this. Never heard of it, Is going through something, been through the trauma and can, you know, do this in a safe and, and, and, um, safe and comfortable, environ. . So I'm accessible. I'm online, I'm on Amazon. You can get me on Prime, you can have me ship to your house the next day within the two or within two days, you know, And that was really important to me to keep that.

Um, and then I get to control the quality, right? If I'm not. In my store every day. I'm not to know who's coming and out of the door. Then I have to hire a manager. And then you may not get this same interaction, you may not get the same Ariel experience as you would working with me, buying it online and seeing me in person.

So I wanna serve everyone, not just, um, those who can afford me. Mm, mm-hmm. . Beautiful. Thank 

[00:30:43] Cynthia: you. Yeah. Well, Ariel. You know, we've been able to talk about your journey, about what your business does, uh, the kinds of symptoms that these themes can really support and heal. Um, what is one message that you want listeners to be able to walk away with after listening to this conversation?

[00:31:07] Ariel: Owning your Yoni and Yoni just means sacred space. So whether that's your throat chakra, whether that's your heart chakra, whether that's your Sac roll and root, owning that, owning your Yi and taking back. What was taken away The, the right to talk about this, the right to, um, embrace your periods, whether they're painful or not.

And I'm going to also go off on a little tangent. Having cramps during your period is not natural. It's not normal. And we need to stop normalizing that. And we need to change our verbiage on how we speak about the cycle. Um, our moon cycles. Like you're supposed to be able to go to work, school, dance, run, exercise, do yoga.

I do yoga. I run. I dance all while I'm menstruating. Because you are your most creative during that moon cycle, during that shedding process, yes, you are eliminating what no longer serves you, but you're. That's nutrients as well. Like that is, that was supposed to grow a human and it didn't because it was your choice.

Um, so yes, owning your Yoni taking back your periods and being proud of your period and having happy periods is great. It shouldn't be a one off. It should be in every month. 

[00:32:33] Cynthia: Wow. Wouldn't that be just a better world if everyone had happy periods? . 

[00:32:38] Ariel: It's a game changer. I'll tell you what, , 

[00:32:43] Cynthia: um, I'm holding onto this dream with you,

[00:32:46] Ariel: It's not a dream, it's a reality. Yeah. Come on. Start steaming 

[00:32:51] Cynthia: I'm jumping on board. Please 

[00:32:53] Ariel: do. Because I'm telling you, in four years I have not had a cramp. Mm. And I used to have the worst cramps and the worst periods. But if you tell yourself, I have happy periods as an affirmation, what do you think it's gonna happen?

You're gonna have happy periods. 

[00:33:15] Cynthia: Mmm. Mm-hmm. . Yes. So steam and remind yourself you're having happy periods. Yes. 

[00:33:23] Ariel: As well as diet too. That's a, that can be a whole nother podcast episode because my interview with Dr. Lorena White. Stated, Um, and that's on our YouTube channel, but it's, she said that it's what you eat before and during your cycle.

You are what you eat. So eating processed sugar, and I'm not talking about, you know, A little piece of cake once and have that be your 80 20. No, I'm saying binging on sweets that week because that's what your body is craving. Because society says we want and desire chocolate during our time of the month when not all of us desire chocolate during our time of the month, having a strawberry smoothie that tastes like a, a red velvet cake versus having the actual red velvet cake.

It's a balance. Mm-hmm. . 

[00:34:19] Cynthia: Yeah, that, that'll have to be another conversation cuz now I'm very curious. . 

[00:34:26] Ariel: It's the whole thing. . 

[00:34:27] Cynthia: It's the whole thing. Well, Ariel, you were just chockful of wisdom, just like book smarts, but also just that spiritual wisdom and knowing and so I'm so grateful that we got to have this conversation and that you got to join us on this podcast.

Um, listeners will get access to in the show notes, um, your website and just ways to connect with you. Um, is there anything else that you wanted to say to everyone? 

[00:34:57] Ariel: Thank you so much for tuning in. Thank you, Cynthia, for having me on the podcast. I really do appreciate it. We are all in this together. We're doing the healing work, and I love each and every one of you.


[00:35:09] Cynthia: Feeling it. Feeling it. Well, thank you Ariel, and thank you listeners for tuning in Until next time.


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